Genesis FREE (Music Puzzle)の概要
アプリタイトル | Genesis FREE (Music Puzzle) |
サブタイトル | |
パブリッシャー | Elements of Design LLC |
料金 | 無料 |
Genesis FREE (Music Puzzle)の公式概要
Genesis Free is a perfect blend of imagery, music and puzzle solving wrapped into one great game. Brain, meet Genesis!
From the creators of Spawn Illuminati comes a new game that lets you control the spawn of light while trying to solve a series of puzzles. This new game will captivate you by its amazing visuals as well as originality.
Your role is to control different force fields that will bend the stream of light trying to connect all the suns. You will know how close you get by the intensity of light and music. When you are able to make the light stream connect all the sun, all instruments of the song will play simultaneously.
- If you get stuck, use a hint and simply double tap a force and it will move into the right place (or grow to the right size). Hints become available every 15 sec.
"The beauty of spawn the musicality of bloom and the complexness and challenge of enigmo"
"This game is genuinely fun and original while at the same time helps to relax"
"This game is just awesome. Whether you buy it for the game itself, or just the eye-candy, you won't be disappointed"
"Cool as heck, fluid motion and very eye catching. The app store needs more apps like this!"
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With nearly 20 years of computer graphics engineering under the belt and a passion for artistic expression, EODSoft, has launched an amazing series of interactive light show and game revolution for your device. Check them all out in the app store!
From the creators of Spawn Illuminati comes a new game that lets you control the spawn of light while trying to solve a series of puzzles. This new game will captivate you by its amazing visuals as well as originality.
Your role is to control different force fields that will bend the stream of light trying to connect all the suns. You will know how close you get by the intensity of light and music. When you are able to make the light stream connect all the sun, all instruments of the song will play simultaneously.
- If you get stuck, use a hint and simply double tap a force and it will move into the right place (or grow to the right size). Hints become available every 15 sec.
"The beauty of spawn the musicality of bloom and the complexness and challenge of enigmo"
"This game is genuinely fun and original while at the same time helps to relax"
"This game is just awesome. Whether you buy it for the game itself, or just the eye-candy, you won't be disappointed"
"Cool as heck, fluid motion and very eye catching. The app store needs more apps like this!"
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Or check out our flickr page for some images:
With nearly 20 years of computer graphics engineering under the belt and a passion for artistic expression, EODSoft, has launched an amazing series of interactive light show and game revolution for your device. Check them all out in the app store!
Genesis FREE (Music Puzzle)の詳細情報
サイズ | 11.9MB |
カテゴリ | ゲーム |
互換性 | iOS 4.0以降。iPhone、iPad、およびiPod touchに対応。 |
言語 | 英語 |
年齢制限 | 4+ |
料金詳細 | 無料 |
Genesis Framework
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– フッター
Navigation Pro Genesis
Essence Pro theme
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– 35以上のStudioPressテーマ+ Genesis Frameworkを無料で入手できます。
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– より軽い!
– 始まらない
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SNS 口コミ
- 平均点数
- ー