アプリタイトル | Cucalu |
サブタイトル | |
パブリッシャー | It's Not an App |
料金 | ¥250 |

"It's not an easy game, or even a game in the traditional sense of the word" - WIRED
Cucalu lures you into looking at the ordinary with a new perspective. As a smartphone game it's quite atypical: it invites you to explore reality, rather than your screen. Through all levels your creativity is challenged to spot or create what is to be found square, triangular or round.
Play with reality and rediscover what is right in front of you. Share your discoveries by releasing them into a pool of new friends. Praise what others see and work on your creative skills.
It doesn’t matter where you play, but what you see.
With Cucalu, you treat yourself to a new pair of eyes.
Have questions, problems or feedback? Talk to us at
Cucalu lures you into looking at the ordinary with a new perspective. As a smartphone game it's quite atypical: it invites you to explore reality, rather than your screen. Through all levels your creativity is challenged to spot or create what is to be found square, triangular or round.
Play with reality and rediscover what is right in front of you. Share your discoveries by releasing them into a pool of new friends. Praise what others see and work on your creative skills.
It doesn’t matter where you play, but what you see.
With Cucalu, you treat yourself to a new pair of eyes.
Have questions, problems or feedback? Talk to us at
サイズ | 27.4MB |
カテゴリ | ゲーム |
互換性 | iOS 9.0以降。iPhone、iPad、およびiPod touchに対応。 |
言語 | 英語 |
年齢制限 | まれ/軽度な成人向けまたはわいせつなテーマ |
料金詳細 | ¥250 |
– モバイルゲーム
– エスカレーターライド
– マンイーター
– 新しい目のペア
– 世界を救うジャケット
– 交差点インタビュー
– 鏡
– 共有
– アプリ戦略パズルゲームではありません
– 使い方・遊び方
– 最新店舗ランキングと月間ランキング推移
– 基本情報
– 仕様・仕様
– 集客傾向/アクティブユーザー分析
– アプリ内購入売上ランキング
– ユーザー属性/生成
– ネットトピックインデックス
– 開発会社配布タイトル
– このアプリと同じカテゴリのランキング
– 新しいおすすめアプリ
– 注意の要約
– 家族の共有
SNS 口コミ
- 平均点数
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