Race Horses Champions 2の概要
アプリタイトル | Race Horses Champions 2 |
サブタイトル | |
パブリッシャー | Lucas Ferreira Franca |
料金 | ¥250 |

Race Horses Champions 2の公式概要
In this second version, Race Horses Champions comes with completely new and awesome features. Now, the player can face its friends on Multiplayer matches, and customize its character as well. The 3D graphics has been improved bringing great experiences and emotions of a horse race in a immersive environment. Managing your money and your stable, the player buys his horses, which has its own attributes, and participates in events to test their skills.
Character customizable (Girl included)
Game Center
90 unique horses to race.
3 groups of horses (divided by level)
5 tracks.
15 events.
System of buying and selling horses.
Reward system for each event.
Intuitive Controls
Clean interface
Training track.
Join the world of horse racing and have fun!
Character customizable (Girl included)
Game Center
90 unique horses to race.
3 groups of horses (divided by level)
5 tracks.
15 events.
System of buying and selling horses.
Reward system for each event.
Intuitive Controls
Clean interface
Training track.
Join the world of horse racing and have fun!
Race Horses Champions 2の詳細情報
サイズ | 256.5MB |
カテゴリ | ゲーム |
互換性 | iOS 8.0以降。iPhone、iPad、およびiPod touchに対応。 |
言語 | 英語 |
年齢制限 | 4+ |
料金詳細 | ¥250 |
Race Horses Champions 2に関するご意見
– 価格変更履歴(AppStore)
– コメント
– 登録する理由
– プレミアムサブスクリプションでより多くの機能
– 後でもう一度やり直しますか?
– ビデオを報告しますか?
– この動画を高く評価してください
– 追加
– 最新バージョン
– 言語
– ダウンロード
– 競馬
– 馬鹿馬鹿しい
– 最初は良かった
– ゲームセンター
– 家族の共有
– 再生キュー
– キュー
SNS 口コミ
- 平均点数
- ー