Alien Swarm 3D Proの概要
アプリタイトル | Alien Swarm 3D Pro |
サブタイトル | |
パブリッシャー | Galatic Droids |
料金 | ¥250 |

Alien Swarm 3D Proの公式概要
The aliens are invading again, swarming around in dazzling attack patterns. You're task is simple, blow'em all to bits!
Can you defeat wave after wave of dazzling alien invaders to save the galaxy. Blast the invaders as they spin and whirl through space in this old school arcade invader game. After 4 fantastic waves you'll get a bonus round, score lots of points to insure you get that next free life.
Your ship is equipped with a mega powered blaster, you have unlimited fire power ... unfortunately they do as well!
From the golden era of video games we bring this retro arcade game firmly into the 21st century.
Download it now and help defend the galaxy from this band of invading aliens know as Alien Swarm 3D.
To control your space ship, pop into the settings screen and choose from tilt action or on screen buttons. Stay calm, don't panic, keep your hair on and you may just survive.
Another fabulous shoot'em up from our retro arcade game series.
Can you defeat wave after wave of dazzling alien invaders to save the galaxy. Blast the invaders as they spin and whirl through space in this old school arcade invader game. After 4 fantastic waves you'll get a bonus round, score lots of points to insure you get that next free life.
Your ship is equipped with a mega powered blaster, you have unlimited fire power ... unfortunately they do as well!
From the golden era of video games we bring this retro arcade game firmly into the 21st century.
Download it now and help defend the galaxy from this band of invading aliens know as Alien Swarm 3D.
To control your space ship, pop into the settings screen and choose from tilt action or on screen buttons. Stay calm, don't panic, keep your hair on and you may just survive.
Another fabulous shoot'em up from our retro arcade game series.
Alien Swarm 3D Proの詳細情報
サイズ | 68MB |
カテゴリ | ゲーム |
互換性 | iOS 8.0以降。iPhone、iPad、およびiPod touchに対応。 |
言語 | 英語 |
年齢制限 | まれ/軽度なアニメまたはファンタジーバイオレンス |
料金詳細 | ¥250 |
– カスタマーレビューはありません
– Alien Swarmをすでにプレイしている場合は、次のレベルに進めます:Alien Swarm 3D
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– このアプリと同じカテゴリのランキング
– galaticdroidsによる他のアプリ
– 新しいおすすめアプリ
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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
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